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10 Recommended ICD-10-CA Codes for Injury Indicators

Recommended ICD-10-CA Codes for Injury Core Indicators

Introduction | Table 1. Unintentional Injuries | Table 2. Intentional Injuries | Table 3. Leading Causes of Injury Mortality for Unintentional and Intentional Injuries | Table 4. Leading Causes of Injury Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalization for Unintentional and Intentional Injuries | Table 5. Sports and Recreation ICD-10-CA codes | Table 6. Place of Occurrence codes | Cited References | Changes Made | Acknowledgements



This document is intended to provide some suggestions on how to present and categorize injury data. It uses the ICD-10 codes from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10), which is an international standard for reporting clinical diagnoses developed by the World Health Organization. The Canadian edition - ICD-10-CA is an enhanced version of ICD-10 developed by CIHI for morbidity classification in Canada (1).

The ICD-10-CA codes used to classify cause of injury are taken from Chapter 19 - External Causes of Morbidity and Mortality, V01-Y98 of the ICD-10-CA coding document. (The latest versions of the coding manuals are available from CIHI.) Prior to the ICD-10-CA, the external causes of morbidity and mortality were captured in the Index of External Causes of Injury or 'E' codes of ICD 9 (2). The recommended categories shown below in this document are based largely on the External Cause of Injury Matrix (3-5), and issues of recognized importance to public health. It is not mandatory that these categories are used, however, a standardized approach will facilitate comparisons among health regions.

Mechanism (or cause) and Intent of injury are the two key elements of the matrix. For public health program and policy purposes, injuries are often separated by "intent" into intentional or unintentional groupings. Intentional and unintentional injuries are not formally designated categories within the ICD10 codes. Rather, a person must select a set of codes that most likely corresponds with the intent of interest. Generally, codes V00-X64 and Y85-Y86 are considered codes for unintentional injury. Codes X65-Y09 and Y87.0 and Y87.1 are considered codes for intentional injury (which includes suicide and homicide). Please note there are other ‘intents' within the External Cause of Injury Matrix. There are two other intent categories; 1) ‘undetermined category' which includes codes such that have an event of undetermined intent, 2) Legal intervention - which includes codes of legal intervention and operations of war. There is also an extra ‘Adverse Effects' section which includes codes for complications of medical procedures and medical care and adverse drug events. These codes are not included in ‘injury' codes.

Please refer to Recommended ICD10 Groupings for Injury Core Indicators Stata syntax file.  This syntax can be used to create injury categories outlined below from data extracted from IntelliHEALTH.


Diagnostic Codes versus External Cause Diagnostic Codes

Every clinical administrative data record documenting a visit for health care includes one or more diagnostic category (eg. cardiovascular disease). A person can have more than one diagnosis code for one visit. When this happens, one code is deemed ‘the most responsible diagnosis code' or main problem Dx (or MRDx is some data sources). Diagnoses that are identified as due to external causes (eg. fractured elbow) also have a companion "external cause" ICD-10-CA code. Analyses using these external cause codes are fundamental to all our public health reporting on injury. A person can have more than one external cause diagnosis for one visit. However, unlike the diagnoses codes mentioned above, external cause diagnoses do not have a main problem diagnosis in emergency (or other hospital) data. Thus, the external cause diagnoses are only included in the multi-record per visit data sources such as the Ambulatory Emergency External Cause (Chapter 20) source. Because the source has multiple records per visit, only distinct counts (# Visits (D)) can be used in order tally number of visits. IntelliHEALTH can now create crosstab tables and sum across distinct counts for external causes (Note: because the column total is a distinct count, it may be smaller than the sum of the cells within the column). For more information, please see the Report Inventory and Webinar Materials and Training sections within IntelliHEALTH.


Table 1. Unintentional Injuries 

This table provides several different categories of inintentional injury that may be important for public health.  Please note that these categories are not mutually exclusive.  Please see Tables 3 or 4 for a mutually exclusive list 'Leading Causes' of all injury - both unintentional and intentional.



ICD10-CA Codes

ICD 9 Codes

All Unintentional Injuries

V01-X59, Y85-Y86

E800-E929 excluding E870-E879


W25-W29, W45, W46




E890-E899, E924-E926

  • Exposure to smoke fire/flames



  • Hot objects/substances





V90, V92

E830, E832, E910

  • Bathtub

W65, W66


  • Swimming pool

W67, W68


  • Natural water

W69, W70

Cannot determine

  • Watercraft

V90, V92

E830, E832




Unintentional Poisoning



Suffocation, including choking







W42, W43, W53-W64,W92-W99, X20-X39, X51-X57


Struck by or against

W20-W22, W50-W52


Motor Vehicle Collisions (Traffic and Non-traffic)

V02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14 , V19.0-19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-79, V80.3-80.5, V80.9, V81.0-81.1, V82.0-82.1, V82.8, V83-V86, V87 (.0-.8), V88 (.0-.8), V89.0, V89.2

E810-E819, E820-E825

 Pedestrian V01-V09 
  •  Motor-vehicle Traffic only
 V02-V04 (.1, .9), V09.2 E810-E819 (.7)
  •  Motor-vehicle Non-traffic
 V02-V04 (.0), V09 (.0) E820-E825 (.7)
  •  Other, non-motor vehicle
 V01, V05, V06, V09 (.1, .3, .9) E826-E829 (.0)
 Pedal Cycle (Cycling) V10-V19 
  •  Motor-vehicle Traffic only
 V12-V14 (.3-.9), V19 (.4-.6) E810-E819 (.6)
  •  Motor-vehicle Non-traffic
 V12-14 (.0-.2), V19 (.2) E820-E825 (.6)
  •  Other, non-motor vehicle


 V10-11, V15-V18, V19 (.3, .8, .9) E826-E829 (.1)

Public Transportation

V05, V15, V25, V35, V45, V55, V65, V70-79, V81, V82

E800-807, E810-E819 (.4), bus occupant cannot determine

  • Bus occupant


Cannot determine

  • All railway train or railway vehicle transport accidents

V05, V15, V25, V35, V45, V55, V65, V75, V81


  • Street car occupant


E810-E819 (0.4)

Off-road transport accidents: (Both traffic* and non-traffic**)



  • Snowmobiles

V86.00, V86.10, V86.30, V86.50, V86.51, V86.60, V86.61, V86.90, V86.91 (includes drivers, passengers and unspecified occupants). 

E820 (non-traffic)

  • Other all-terrain or off-road vehicle

V86.08, V86.18, V86.2, V86.38, V86.4, V86.58, V86.68, V86.7, V86.98 (includes drivers, passengers and unspecified occupants).

E821 (non-traffic)

 *A traffic accident is one that occurs on a public highway/road. 
**A non- traffic accident occurs in another place other than a highway/road. Although the ICD-10-CA codes uses the term 'accident', for the purposes of public health reporting, the term ‘collision' is preferred.

Assumptions made in coding decisions: 1) V02-V04 (.9) (pedestrian collision with motor vehicle) coded as traffic collisions. (5, 6, 9)  2) V39.8, V49.8...V79.8 - all motor vehicle occupant injured in other specified transport accidents are traffic. (5, 6, 9)
Note that there are no decimal places for ICD-10 codes in IntelliHEALTH, i.e., V89.2 is V892.


Table 2. Intentional Injuries 


ICD10-CA Codes

ICD 9 Codes

All intentional injuries

X60-Y09, Y87.0, Y87.1

E950-E959, E960-E969


X60-X84, Y87.0



X85-Y09, Y87.1



Table 3. Leading Causes* of Injury Mortality for unintentional and intentional injuries** 

The following table is based on Becker's et al. leading causes of death of categories (6). Please note this table provides categories that are mutually exclusive of one another.  This table provides recommendations for categories that can be reported, however health units may choose to add categories or merge categories due to small numbers depending on the specific analysis questions.


ICD10-CA Codes

ICD 9 Codes


W65-W74, V90, V92

E830, E832, E910




Land Transport


E800-E829, E846-E848

Unintentional Poisoning



Suffocation and foreign body

W44, W45, W75-W84


Unintentional firearm dischargeW32-W34E922


X60-X84, Y87.0



X85-Y09, Y87.1


Other unintentional injuries‡

V91, V93-V99, W20-W43, W46-W64, W85-W99, X00-X39, X50-X59, Y85-86

E831, E833-E839, E840-E845, E900-E909, E918, E919, E921, E923, E925-E926, E928, E929

*Becker et al (6)
**Adopted from Leading Cause Groups for Mortality Tabulation found in the All-Cause Mortality Core Indicator.
‡ICD10 external cause of injury codes that are of undetermined intent, legal intervention and operations of war, and complications of medical and surgical care are not included in these leading cause categories. These codes are not included in the definitions of unintentional or intentional injury according the International External Cause of Injury Matrix (3-5).

Table 4. Leading Causes of Injury ED visits and Hospitalization for unintentional and intentional injuries.

The following table is based on Becker's et al. leading causes of death of categories (6).  Additional categories were added for analysis of emergency department visits and hospitalizations due to the fact that there are many more cases of emergency visits and hospitalizations than deaths and thus more categories can be shown.  Please note this table provides categories that are mutually exclusive of one another. This table provides recommendations for categories that can be reported, however health units may choose to add categories or merge categories due to small numbers (e.g. combine with ‘Other Unintentional Injuries') depending on the specific analysis questions.



ICD10-CA Codes

ICD 9 Codes


W65-W74, V90, V92

E830, E832, E910




Motor Vehicle Collisions (Traffic and Non-traffic) 

V02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14 , V19.0-19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-79, V80.3-80.5, V80.9, V81.0-81.1, V82.0-82.1, V82.8, V83-V86, V87 (.0-.8), V88 (.0-.8), V89.0, V89.2


Other Land Transport Collisions

Any codes from V01-V89 not included in the motor vehicle collisions category above.

E800-807, E826-829, E846-848

Unintentional Poisoning








E890-E899, E924





W25-W29, W45-W46


Struck by or against

W20-W22, W50-W52

E916, E917

Caught or crushed between objects



Bitten by dog or other mammal

W54, W55


Foreign body - eye or orifice


E914, E915

Nonvenomous insect bites




X60-X84, Y87.0



X85-Y09, Y87.1


Other unintentional injuries*

V91, V93-V99, W24, W30-W43, W47-W49, W53, W56, W58-W64, W85-W99, X20-X39, X51-X59, Y85-Y86

E831, E833-E839, E840-E845, E900-E909, E919, E921-E923, E925-E926, E928, E929

*ICD10 external cause of injury codes that are of undetermined intent, legal intervention and operations of war, and complications of medical and surgical care are not included in these leading cause categories.  These codes are not included in the definitions of unintentional or intentional injury according the International External Cause of Injury Matrix (3-5).
Note that there are no decimal places for ICD-10 codes in IntelliHEALTH, i.e., V89.2 is V892.

Special Considerations: Sports and Recreation Injuries  

The definition of sports is subjective and may be determined differently by health units and other agencies. The following codes may be considered when reporting selected sport-specific injuries.


Table 5.  Sports and Recreations ICD10-CA codes


ICD10-CA code**


W22.05, W51.05

Hit by ball


Hit by bat




Fall involving rollerblade/scooter/ skateboard

W02.02, W02.03, W02.08


W22.03, W51.03


W21.02, W21.03, W22.02, W51.02

Ice Skates


Playground Equipment

Prior to year 2009: the ICD10 code is W09. 

From 2009 and onwards: subcategories were introduced and the ICD10 codes are now W09.00-W09.09

Pool and natural water swimming/diving/drowning

W16, W67-W74


W02.01,W02.04, W22.00, W51.00


W22.04, W51.04


W22.01, W51.01

Recreational* boating

V90-V94, only (0.2-0.8)



ATV (all-terrain or off-road vehicle)V86.08, V86.19, V86.2, V86.4, V86.5 V86.6, V86.7, V86.9, V86.38, V86.58, V86.68, V86.98 
Snowmobile onlyV86.00, V86.10, V86.30, V86.50, V86.51, V86.60, V86.90, V86.91 

Other sports related injuries

W02.08, W21.08, W21.09, W22.07, W51.07

*Inclusion of Recreational Boating in a general ‘Sports and Recreation' category is optional.  Also, it may not be known whether participation in an injury causing activity was recreational or employment related.  These suggested codes assume that all merchant and passenger ships are employment related and activities related to fishing boats, other powered watercraft etc. are recreational in nature.
**Many of the Sports and Recreation codes are only available using ICD-10-CA, as there are no corresponding codes in ICD9.

Other resources for reported Sports and Recreational Injuries include:  

In addition to the ICD-10-CA codes listed in Table 5, Sports and Recreation data can also be obtained based on the ‘Place of Occurrence' code ‘4'.  The place of occurrence code indicator can be found in the diagnosis information tab in IntelliHEALTH. Please note that there may be a large number of patient records where place of occurrence is missing or categorized as ‘9', unspecified place.


Table 6. Place of Occurrence Codes 

Place of Occurrence Code

Place of Occurrence

0 (U980)


1 (U981)

Residential Institution

2 (U982)

School, other institution and public administrative area

3 (U983)

Sports and Athletics area

4 (U984)

Street and Highway

5 (U985)

Trade and service area

6 (U986)

Industrial and construction area

7 (U987)


8 (U988)

Other specified places

9 (U989)

Unspecified place


Cited References
  1. Canadian Institute for Health Information [homepage on the Internet]. Toronto: Canadian Institute for Health Information; c1996-2012. ICD-10-CA; [cited 2012 Nov 13]. Available from:
  2. Free online searchable 2009 ICD-9-Cm codes.
  3. Becker R, Silvi J, Ma Fat D, L'Hours A, Laurenti R. A method for deriving leading causes of death. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2006;84(4):297-304 and Annex
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [homepage on the Internet]. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics.  ICD Injury Matrices; 2009 Nov 25 [2012 Nov 13]. Available from:
  5. Fingerhut LA.  External cause of injury mortality matrix for ICD-10. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2002 [cited 2012 Nov 14]. Available from:
  6. State of New Jersey Department of Health [homepage on the Internet]. Trenton: State of New Jersey Department of Health. ICD-10 NJDOH External Cause of Injury. 2012 Oct 19 [cited 2012 Nov 13]. Available from:
  7. BC Injury research and prevention unit [homepage on the Internet]. Vancouver: BC Injury research and prevention unit; c2012. Injury Data Online Tool; [cited 2012 Nov 13]. Available from:
  8. BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit [homepage on the Internet]. Vancouver: BC Injury research and prevention unit; c2012. Sport, Recreation, and Leisure Quick Facts; [cited 2012 Nov 13]. Available from:
  9. Public Health Agency of Canada.  ICD-9 - ICD10 transition matrix for external cause of injury groups. Feb. 2005


Changes Made

Date Created

Formal Review or Ad Hoc?

Changes made by


January 29, 2013

New Indicator 




Lead Author(s)

  • Suzanne Fegan, KFL&A Public Health (Subgroup Lead)

Contributing Author(s)

  • Injury and Substance Misuse Prevention Work Group
    • Christina Bradley, Niagara Region Public Health
    • Badal Dhar, Public Health Ontario
    • Jeremy Herring, Public Health Ontario
    • Natalie Greenidge, Public Health Ontario
    • Sean Marshall, Public Health Ontario
    • Jayne Morrish, Parachute
    • Lee-Ann Nalezyty, Northwestern Health Unit
    • Michelle Policarpio, Public Health Ontario
    • Narhari Timilshina, Toronto General Hospital


  • Hilary Blackett, North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN
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