*For use with Alcohol Attributable Hospitalizations for selected chronic diseases and injuries *created by The Injury and Substance Misuse Prevention Subgroup ************CCHS *********************. ************ALCOHOL Consumption**********************. ****************************************************. **15-69 years***. **Women**. ***Abstainer - <0.25 g***. ***Cat I0.25<20 g**. ***Cat II 20<40 g**. *** Cat III 40+ g**. **Men**. ***Abstainer - <0.25 g***. ***Cat I0.25<40 g**. ***Cat II 40<60 g**. *** Cat III 60+ g**. **CCHS 4.1 and Beyond **alwddly is the average daily number of drinks consumed in the past week keep if dhh_age >= 15 & dhh_age <= 69 **Drop those pregnant or breastfeeding drop if mam_037 == 1 | mex_05 == 1 drop if (mam_037 == 7 | mam_037 == 8 | mam_037==9 | mex_05==9) tab alwddly keep if alwddly < 999 tab alwddly gen dail=alwddly replace dail=0 if alwddly==996 tab dail *Generate Age Groups gen agegn=dhh_age replace agegn=1 if dhh_age < 30 replace agegn=2 if dhh_age >=30 & dhh_age < 45 replace agegn=3 if dhh_age >=45 & dhh_age < 60 replace agegn=4 if dhh_age >=60 & dhh_age < 70 tab agegn *For Breast cancer gen agefgn=dhh_age replace agefgn=1 if dhh_age < 45 replace agefgn=2 if dhh_age >=45 replace agefgn=. if dhh_sex==1 tab agefgn **Grams per day of alcohol is based on 13.45 grams of alcohol in a standard drink gen grdail=dail*13.45 gen alccat=. replace alccat=0 if grdail < 0.25 *males replace alccat=1 if grdail >= 0.25 & grdail < 40 & dhh_sex==1 replace alccat=2 if grdail >= 40 & grdail < 60 & dhh_sex==1 replace alccat=3 if grdail >= 60 & dhh_sex==1 *females replace alccat=1 if grdail >= 0.25 & grdail < 20 & dhh_sex==2 replace alccat=2 if grdail >= 20 & grdail < 40 & dhh_sex==2 replace alccat=3 if grdail >= 40 & dhh_sex==2 tab alccat **Results ***Note: If you have a CV that says your data is not releasable (CV>33.3) you can do one of two options: *1) combine several years of CCHS data or, *2) use the Ontario estimate. svyset [pweight=fwgt], brrweight(bsw*) vce(brr) mse **Generate your own health unit geography variable generate k = (geodhr4==3541) svy, subpop (k) : tab alccat if dhh_sex==1, percent ci cv svy, subpop (k) : tab alccat if dhh_sex==2, percent ci cv svy, subpop (k) : tab alccat if agegn==1, percent ci cv svy, subpop (k) : tab alccat if agegn==2, percent ci cv svy, subpop (k) : tab alccat if agegn==3, percent ci cv svy, subpop (k) : tab alccat if agegn==4, percent ci cv svy, subpop (k) : tab alccat if agefgn==1, percent ci cv svy, subpop (k) : tab alccat if agefgn==2, percent ci cv *For previous versions of CCHS, rename the variable and tun the above syntax. ************************CCHS 3.1******************************************* ren alceddly alwddly ren dhhe_age dhh_age ren geoedhr4 geodhr4 ren mame_037 mam_037 ren mexe_05 mex_05 ************************CCHS 2.1******************************************* ren alccddly alwddly ren dhhc_age dhh_age ren geocdhr4 geodhr4 ren mamc_037 mam_037 ren mexc_05 mex_05 ************************CCHS 1.1******************************************* ren alcaddly alwddly ren dhha_age dhh_age *note that the following geography variable is a string variable and not numeric ren geoa_hr4 geodhr4 ren mama_037 mam_037 *drop those that are still breastfeeding or not stated drop brfa_03==1 | brfa_03==9