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Orientation manual v3 - 2019 April 11

Added a section called Getting to know APHEO

Orientation Materials


Orientation Materials

orientation manual v2 - 2016.12.20

Updated GIS information and data visualization section and substantially updated data source and information section (e.g. IntelliHEALTH switching to Cognos, One Remote vs. One Network Gateway VPN, changed RODS from FFLA to ACES, added CDP, BFI Online, CSQI, the DoN under information, updated Panorama/PEAR, changed AQI to AQHI, updated ICD code links, added MOOCS to visited websites, added ID Query, HAI Query, STI decision support tool to PHO section)

Orientation Materials


Orientation Materials

Orientation Manual v1 2016.12.07

Further edits required

Orientation Materials


Orientation Materials