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Neonatal and Infant Mortality Rates

(Last Updated 2024)

Core Indicators CI Reproductive Health Indicator Reproductive Health Outcomes


CI Reproductive Health

Perinatal Mortality and Stillbirth Rates

(Last Updated 2024)

Core Indicators CI Reproductive Health Indicator Reproductive Health Outcomes


CI Reproductive Health

Minutes - Reproductive sub-group Jan 24, 2024

Minutes for Jan 24, 2024 meeting

Minutes Meeting Minutes January CI Reproductive Health 2024


CI Reproductive Health

Infant Feeding

(Last Updated 2024)

Core Indicators CI Reproductive Health Infant Feeding Indicator


CI Reproductive Health

CEHIP Report Under-Reporting of Live Births

Central East Health Information Partnership report Underreporting of live births in Ontario: 1991-1997

2001 CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health


Central East Health Information Partnership report Data Quality in RDIS: Issues Related to Combining Data Sets

2000 CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

CEHIP Report Low Birth Weight

Central East Health Information Partnership report Low Birth Weight: Troubling Trend or Misguided
Measure (Extended Mix) A CEHIP Discussion Paper

2000 CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

CEHIP Report on Birth Geocoding

Central East Health Information Partnership Data Quality Report: Effect of Residence Code Errors on Fertility Rates

2000 CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

BORN templates for the PHU cube - Postpartum depresssion

Maternal mental health Core Indicator (xml)

BORN Resources CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

BORN templates for the PHU cube - Mental health

Maternal Mental Health Core Indicator (xml)

BORN Resources CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

BORN templates for the PHU cube - Intent BF

Intention to Breastfeed Core Indicator (xml)

BORN Resources CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

BORN templates for the PHU cube - Infant Feeding

Infant Feeding Core Indicator (xml)

BORN Resources CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

BORN templates for the PHU cube - GWG

Gestational Weight Gain Core Indicator (xml)

BORN Resources CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

BORN templates for the PHU cube - Drugs

Alcohol & Substance Exposures During Pregnancy Core Indicator (xml)

BORN Resources CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

BORN templates for the PHU cube - Alcohol

Alcohol & Substance Exposures During Pregnancy Core Indicator (xml)

BORN Resources CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

BORN templates for the PHU cube - Alcohol or drugs

For Alcohol & Substance Exposures During Pregnancy Core Indicator (xml)

BORN Resources CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

SGA-LGA Syntax File - SPSS

Core Indicators Resource

Core Indicators Resources CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health

Timeline of Changes in Live Birth Registration in Ontario

Core Indicators CI Reproductive Health


CI Reproductive Health