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CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

Opioid-Related Emergency Department Visits

Last Updated 2024

Core Indicators Indicator CI Substance Use Use of Opioids, Illicit and Other Substances


CI Substance Use

French translation Underage Alcohol Drinking

French translation Underage Alcohol Drinking Core Indicator
Consommation d'alcool chez les mineurs

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

French translation Low Risk Drinking

French translation Low Risk Drinking Core Indicator
Consommation d’alcool dépassant les directives de consommation d’alcool à faible risque

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

French translation Heavy Drinking Episodes

French translation Heavy Drinking Episodes Core Indicator
Épisodes de consommation abusive d'alcool

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

French translation Drinking and Driving Prevalence

French translation Drinking and Driving Prevalence Core Indicator
Fréquence de conduite en état d’ivresse

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

French translation All Cause Hospitalization

French translation All Cause Hospitalization Core Indicator
Les hospitalisations, toutes causes possibles

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

Alcohol Attributable Fractions Excel spreadsheet

Alcohol Attributable Fractions - Hospitalizations - Excel spreadsheet

2015 CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

French translation of Adult Smoking Attributable Mortality Calculation

French translation of Adult Smoking Attributable Mortality Calculation examples
Exemples de calculs de la SAM chez les fumeurs adultes

2009 Core Indicators PHAC Project 2008 2009 CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

Adult Smoking Attributable Mortality Calculation

Adult Smoking Attributable Mortality Calculation Examples

2009 CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

Stata Syntax for Alcohol Attributable Fractions

Stata Syntax for Alcohol Attributable Fractions - Hospitalizations and Death Disease categories

2014 Stata CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

Stata Syntax for Alcohol Attributable Hospitalizations

Stata Syntax for Alcohol Attributable Hospitalizations for selected chronic diseases and injuries

Stata CI Substance Use


CI Substance Use

Drinking in excess of low-risk drinking guidelines Stata syntax

The LRADGs have been updated. There was a slight difference in calculation between PHO and the APHEO Core Indicators. APHEO recommended excluding those who answered Don't Know/Refused/Not stated to the 'are you pregnant' question (mac_025, answer options 7,8,9) and the 'are you still breastfeeding' (mex_110, answer option 9) question. PHO did not exclude these answers, thus creating a slight difference (about 0.3%) in estimates of those exceeding LRADGs guidelines.

I took a closer look at the data, and it seems there male respondents who do not have a 'valid skip' answer to one or both of these questions - and they were being coded as 'Not stated', although they should have been a valid skip and had valid answers to all the necessary alcohol questions.

Thus, we decided to modify the APHEO syntax to include those respondents so that our estimates match those of PHOs. Please see the revised syntax attached. I will try to get them on the APHEO Core Indicator page soon. Thanks to John Barbaro and Jeremy Herring for their help on this issue.

CI Substance Use
