Core Indicators Development Subgroup:

Comprehensive Tobacco Control

A small subgroup maintaining core indicator products related to tobacco use and comprehensive tobacco control.  

Ontario Public Health Standards Coverage

Comprehensive Tobacco Control is named in the Substance Use and Injury Prevention program standard, and defined to include: preventing the initiation of tobacco; promoting quitting among young people and adults; eliminating exposure to environmental tobacco smoke; and identifying and eliminating disparities related to tobacco use and its societal outcomes among different population groups.  Use of Tobacco (including smoking, e-cigarettes, and emerging products) is one component of Substance Use, which is also relevant to the Chronic Disease Prevention and Wellness and the School Health program standards. 

    Subgroup Milestones:

  • Formed in February 2006; one of the first four subgroups as "Cancer and Risk Factors."
  • In March 2007, became the "Cancer, Smoking and Sun Safety" subgroup, as "Healthy Eating and Active Living" split off to form a new subgroup.  
  • Subgroup closed in 2009. 
  • In 2018, the dedicated "Comprehensive Tobacco Control" subgroup was created by splitting the previous "Cancer, Smoking and Sun Safety" subgroup.  


This subgroup is currently not active. 

Maintenance Mode Lead(s)


Released Products


Meeting Minutes

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Former Cancer, Smoking and Sun Safety Subgroup Minutes

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Past Members

Cancer, Smoking and Sun Safety Subgroup

Updated: December 12, 2018